DIY Detox Bath

DIY Detox Bath Soak 9O2A1470
A couple weekends ago, I did something I had never done before—I camped in the middle of the woods. Queue the Troop Beverly Hills theme song (which I did in fact sing as I hiked in with Drew, the creator of DYLANLEX, and our significant others)!

We hiked for five hours in and along the coast of Big Sur, carrying our tents, sleeping bags and food on our backs, then set up camp right in between big, beautiful redwoods. We cooked over an open fire (s’mores included, obviously), meditated to the sound of a stream, slept under the stars, and relished in the fact that we didn’t have cell reception. It was liberating, freeing, humbling, mind-clearing and so many wonderful things. I enjoyed every minute of it.

I did, however, need a major detox bath after being outdoors all weekend, and whipped up this concoction which was 100! The salts and baking soda draw out impurities while delivering a dose of natural minerals and the essential oil is wonderfully rejuvenating.

Here’s how to make it:

1 cup sea salt
1 cup Epsom salt
2 cups baking soda
7-10 drops eucalyptus essential oil

Add ingredients to a hot bath and soak.



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