Limiting Social Media

limiting social media

limiting social media
Social media started out great for me; it provided inspiration, communication, and was a fun way to pass time. Slowly, though, it’s become yet another item on my to-do list.

I feel pressure soon after I wake to check my feeds. It literally nags at me until I find myself speed-scrolling through Instagram, then Snapchat, then Facebook, all while brushing my teeth and trying to accomplish a calm start to my day.

I’ll think about a potential post or photo more than focusing on who I’m with or what I’m doing. I waste my limited downtime trying to either get through a feed of hundreds of people—many of them strangers—or get likes from those following me—also some strangers.

I was iPhone-snapping during an unreal sunset recently, and when I finally looked up beyond my screen, the sun was set. And for what? So that I could humble brag about my Cabo vaca? The most ironic thing happened, too; it didn’t photograph well. It wasn’t even “Insta-worthy.”

While I love to see what my friends are doing or to share my most beautiful acai bowls, social media pressures shouldn’t be hijacking my mind. It’s never more important than witnessing a sunset or putting my phone away to enjoy time with people I love—even when I’m at the most adorable coffee shop Instagram has ever seen.

So how can we get back to the point where social media is simply a second thought or pleasure and not an obligation or obsession? Here are some ideas I’m going to start with:

1. Set an afternoon date with my accounts. By planning a set “break time” for social media, I’ll have something to look forward to but also structure.

2. Unfollow people who don’t make me feel good, no matter who they are.

3. Only post what feels natural and never forced.

4 .Leave my phone behind more.

5. Keep a book, newspaper, or magazine with me to pass time instead of scrolling.

Anyone else feeling weighed down by social media? What tips do you have for limiting it?

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  1. I haven’t checked my Facebook for a week now, and it feels so refreshing. On my computer, I have the Chrome extension “blocksite” set so that when I type in it redirects to the Business of Fashion homepage. I delete apps on my phone so that I’m not tempted to check socials on the go, and I unfollow people I don’t care about!
    xx Alyssa
    VISIONS OF NYC // @alyszsa

  2. Definitely with you on this one! It’s always good to step back from the online world and live in the “real” world (Plugging off, not feeling the need to always document what you’re up to). People fail to notice the real fun and beauty they’re missing when they’re busy scrolling.

    Nice post! 🙂


  3. I can so easily feel over whelmed by social media and I find that by “saving my scroll” for an hour in the afternoon rather than checking it constantly, I feel better.

  4. I definitely feel stressed out about social media, it just stopped being a fun thing at some point. Great tips, I am big on unfollowing accounts that makes me feel bad. I need to get better at limiting my phone time, though.

  5. Definitely something I need to work on. It’s a good idea to dedicate a certain time a day to checking/posting/snooping/searching! All of course while in a safe environment. It’s amazing how many people are “texting” while driving when they probably are snapping, tweeting, facebooking, or on instagram. It’s amazing how addicting and dangerous these social media sites are.

  6. a close friend gave me suggestions about this exact issue. not looking at your phone during wait times or lags in activity (waiting in line, waiting for subway, etc), also buying a real alarm clock instead of using your phone (so that it’s not the first thing you look at in the morning). also, reading a book when you’re inclined to pick up your phone during chill times at home.

  7. Hi there : )
    I went into my Instagram account last night & deleted all news sources or people who commentate on current events. If it’s important, I’ll hear about it at some point. It’s just that I’m being hijacked from a happy head space to depression that last days/weeks for world events that are just so tragic & sad. I’m trying to find a balance of being informed yet taking care of myself emotionally as I navigate life.

    I feel like it’s the ultimate self care as I take on way too much emotionally & it doesn’t serve me. I kept all the beauty (art, photography, people who are super positive, nature, inspiration etc.)

    As for all the beautiful moments; LIFE IS HAPPENING right in front of us, LIVE IT <3 Thank you for this post Sheryl (mamajustice)

  8. It is good from time to time to clean the contacts on the social media. People lose contacts in the real life so sometimes it is good to let some people go on the social media too.

    Check out my video from 1970s-80s retro exhibition (link) or read about fashion forecasting and creation of fashion trends (link).

  9. I haven’t had Facebook in over four years, but I’ll occasionally log on to my mom’s (when she asks me to post photos for her ?) and it’s the worst feeling ever. Just seeing people over-indulging, over-posting, vacation photos, baby photos, whatever…makes me feel like I suddenly have SO MUCH MORE noise in my life. I can’t focus on what matters because it’s instantly replaced by self-defeating negative self-talk.

    It may be easier for me since I’m not a blogger, but: one of the smartest decisions I’ve made for my sanity has been to unplug–permanently. And on Instagram, I only follow a few uplifting or helpful accounts who value quality over quantity.

  10. This is so refreshing to read. I work in news and with so many negative events happening, plus me trying to navigate my personal life it is hard to stay positive. Thanks for writing this post.

  11. I try my best to stay off social media but it’s so heartbreaking when I come back on only to realize I’ve lost a few followers, but I totally agree! It’s become more of a chore than anything else.

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