The Rope Braid


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In addition to the new series “Ask A Makeup Artist,” I’m also teaming up with Kristin Heitkotter and some of the best hairstylists in LA to bring fresh, fun hair content to the blog—because who doesn’t love good hair?!

First up is this rope braid which I cannot get enough of. It’s incredibly easy (I can do it on myself!), and so chic for the day, night and/or the gym. Here’s how to do it:

1) Prep hair using Ouai Wave Spray and then rough dry.
2) Using fingers, scrape hair back into a ponytail just below the occipital and secure with an elastic.
3) Divide the hair in 2 sections and twist each section separately clockwise.

4) When hair is properly twisted, cross the right section on top of the left.
5) After crossing the sections, twist each section again, and cross over the RIGHT on top of the LEFT.
6) Continue the same pattern down the length of the ponytail and secure with an elastic at the bottom.
7) Spray with Ouai Texturing Spray and rough up the braid with fingertips.

What other hair content does everyone want to see?



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