Wellness Challenge: Finding Flow

As much as I love a good morning or evening routine, sometimes they feel exhausting and even limiting. Between checking off things like meditation, a green smoothie, dry brushing, time to read, etc. and everything else I generally fit into my a.m. routine, it almost feels like I’m never in the moment. All of those things do feel great to me, but my life generally feels very scheduled, albeit with mostly good things.

I was listening to the girls over on the That’s So Retrograde podcast a few months ago, and they were talking about flow. More specifically, flow in the morning. One of the hosts mentioned how she’s throwing out her morning routine and instead doing what feels good in each moment. Even if that’s picking up her phone to check Instagram first thing because she freaking loves it, or staying in bed a few minutes longer and laying—but not meditating.

While I don’t think I’ll be giving up every part of my routine, I am totally into the idea of stopping to be present. Does reading always sound good during breakfast? Or maybe a walk outdoors sounds better?

Challenge: Go with your flow

Basically, this week, I challenge you to open up the possibilities of your routine—even if you don’t have a ton of time or flexibility in the morning.

If you’re craving being outside at night, eat dinner on your porch or by a window. If it’s only 10 a.m. and you need a break from your computer, break. If you don’t feel like watching the news like you do most nights, keep it off. In the times that allow, follow your body and mind instead of going on routine auto-pilot. We already have enough commitments and things we have to do each day, so keep the moments that are up to you flexible.

I’m excited to see where my flow leads me this week! Touch base and let me know what you’re feeling—but only if you flow here, of course.

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  1. As much as I like the security and familiarity of depending on routines, I try to go with the flow as much as possible. I believe it’s in my nature as a water sign and in times when I feel to rigid or controlled, I try to remind myself to just be like water. This is an awesome challenge, so down to partake!


  2. Hey Geri! Thank you for this post, it was so inspiring! I, for one, have quite a tight schedule in the mornings and would love to shake things up a bit.

    Doing what feels best right that moment sounds like a good goal to have!

    Sending love from Scandinavia! xx


  3. You definitely have to try this! I know it gives a ton of people anxiety, but I typically try to live very freely without much of a schedule. I find that it makes my life so much happier and more relaxed! I know it isn’t for everyone, but even if you can incorporate this philosophy in little ways throughout your day, I’m sure it would be so beneficial!

  4. This is so cool! I would definitely join—if it weren’t my approach already! I’ve been pretty much off the track right now and I wish to implement a routine. Being jobless and all over the place sucks, so I hope a routine will help, at least initially. So while I find your challenge really great and understand the intent, I’ll still try the opposite—keep your fingers crossed 😉

    Wandering Polka Dot

  5. Thanks for your words! I really feel inspired to accept this challenge – we’ll see how that goes 🙂

    xx Tori

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