I hung out with Erika from P.S. I made this… while she was in town for her Pre-Earth Day Dasani Event and since have been hungry to rekindle my do-it-yourself love. I use to diy ALL the time but lately have been uninspired? Consumed with cooking, blogging, Moscow, Coachella, life? […]
daisy lowe in futureclaw
Gettttt lowe. Photos: fashionising
g-d bless gold
A story by my boys, Brakha x 2, featuring Lydia Hearst in Genlux Sping II “The Royal Issue.” The issue hit stands yesterday, go get ittttttt! Photos: Genlux
Powa powa. Photo: UK Harper’s Bazaar May 2010 via Cartoon Style
im feeling quite insane and young again
Reminds me of my junior high notebook. Once this evil witchy teacher confiscated my scribbled secrets and read a love letter I had written to the entire class. I was in sixth grade. What a biatch. Photos: Chloe Sevigny for Elle UK April 2010 via Studded Hearts
kate moss vogue paris 2006