the next generation of outfit bloggers: editors

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Watch out outfit bloggers – looks like editor outfit postings are on the rise!

Not only has Refinery 29 launched a “What We’re Wearing” column in which R29 editors and interns share their outfits but Joanna Hillman, Bazaar’s senior fashion market editor (and street style aficionado), is embarking on a similar month-long style journey called “Joanna’s Wardrobe Diaries: 30 Days of Style.” Through December, Joanne is posting her daily looks and shares what she’s wearing and how she puts it all together.

If this trend continues, I can only hope that Marie Claire follow suit starting with my fave – accessories editor Taylor Tomasi-Hill.

What do you think, can magazine and online editors become the next generation of outfit-blogger-superstars?

Photos: Harpers Bazaar

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  1. Absolutely! It only makes sense, right? Declining print industry revived by in-the-moment inspiration and trend-setting by its editors. It’s perfection and, personally, I’m all about it!


  2. I like the idea, though, I wonder how long they can keep it up. I mean editors don’t exactly have a lot of free time on their hands. I guess one person must be dedicated to doing the story and thus get’s paid full time for it, but still interesting concept they deff learned from the style bloggers out there.

  3. This would be huge. Editors are some of the best trend setters so we would love to see their style and outfits every day.

    P.S. Stop by my blog if you have a chance – I am hosting an amazing EmersonMade giveaway, just in time for the holidays!

  4. yes, i think its totally possible that editors will gain popularity. AND, i think bloggers and editors can both exist as ‘outfit posters’ with equal popularity. Each person has their own style- editor or not. That’s where the interest lies! Good post!!

  5. I love the new flow of inspiration, and they will always have some great finds considering their line of work!
    I don’t see any controversy personally. They are fashionable and therefore i would love to take a peek at their huge wardrobes!


  6. Joanna’s blog is pretty cool- thanks for the link. Editor’s style is usually amazing, but not usually as attainable as other fashion bloggers, as most of their items come from the high street.

  7. Well not really a big generation because that would be meaning losing chances for us independent bloggers πŸ™‚ But it doesn’t hurt much if they do it also, come on, we know most of them have good styles and we look up at some of them πŸ™‚ And its also my curiosity what they wear in their everyday “fabulous” lives


  8. Although I do love all those girls style and seeing them being captured by other bloggers at fashion shows, on the street, etc., I would have to agree with what another reader has posted. At the beginning there was a major backlash on bloggers and now they’re doing what they frowned upon? I find it a little unsettling.

  9. At the end of they day every outfit blogger is just a fame whore. These editors have had a taste of street style fame and are hungry for more. It’s pretty obnoxious. All of it.

  10. @Jessica…AGREED!!!
    It is all obnoxious! Especially the outfit bloggers…who live in the world of “look at me..look at me”.

  11. I knew you were going to say TTH! hehe This definitely gives bloggers a run for their money but I would love to see what my favorite sites/magazines editors wear.

  12. Joanna has impeccable taste, I love that I can see what she wears day to day. I like this trend and I hope more editors start showing off their daily looks.

  13. If that’s the case does this mean you will start outfit posting more? You are much more of an editor than most bloggers.

  14. This makes me laugh. Are these the same b****** who have been whining about fashion bloggers for the past couple of years? I suppose they finally see the writing on the wall. Too bad they’re late to the party. Now if YOU decide to do outfit posts, that will be another matter altogether. That is something I’d be very interested in seeing.

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