the violin maker

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Absolutely loved the
intimate shots, mellifluous sounds, passion and craftsmanship in ‘The Violin Maker’ – a short film on New York violin maker, Sam Zygmuntowicz.

The film was shot and directed by Dustin Cohen as the first part of the promising ‘Made in Brooklyn’ series. Can’t wait to see what else this series puts out.

p.s. if you could take up any instrument, what would it be?

Photos: Dustin Cohen

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  1. Love this so inspirational.He is truly a master!What an honor to be the instrument of an creating a tool that that resonates from the touch of a musical genius!Thank you for sharing this!

  2. I actually play the piano, but have always been in love with the violin. So I would have to say Violin 🙂
    These are such beautiful photos- I'll have to watch the film later when I have more time!

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