5 Ways to Spark Joy in Your Life

I’m a huge proponent of finding little pockets of joy in your day, and as corny as that might sound, it’s 100% true. I’ve been doing a lot of thinking on what actually makes me feel happy—what joy really feels like. And a lot of the time it’s not things that are part of my routine. Sure, working out makes me feel good, but does the commitment spark happiness? Not always. Going out can be fun, but does it make me feel better than staying in? Not usually.

Lou & Grey is a company that are promoting this thought and encouraging people wearing their clothes to find and do the things that bring true joy. And I love that! Their clothes are created to serve you in any capacity that involves happiness, and I’ve been living in their stuff lately. Like these sweats and tanks – pure heaven you guys!

Not only do I appreciate how soft and livable everything is (like this, this, this, this, this, oh, and this!), but I really value that they’re sharing this whole ideology. They are, in some capacity, giving us a free pass to not worry about what we SHOULD be doing, and instead focus on what feels GOOD.

So in their honor, here are 5 ways I’ve been finding joy in my life:

  • Making ice cream. Not only does this treat taste delish (obvi!), but the act of creating a new recipe is truly ful-FILLING. Yup, went there.
  • Lying in bed. Without my phone, without a book, without the TV on. There’s something magical about simply lying there, before bed or as I wake up, and just being.
  • Records. My husband and I (both huge music fans) recently got a record player and have started collecting vintage records. A little music, coffee, and lounging to start the weekend? Doesn’t get better! And I’m loving this one piece. It’s nice to get out of my PJs (sometimes), and this is my ideal comfy but put-together look.
  • Beach walks. I live relatively close to the ocean, but don’t always take advantage of it. I’ve been finding myself there more often lately, and really enjoying it. Whether I’m sitting or taking a walk/run, the ocean is a happy place. I can’t wait until it warms up and I can wear this one-piece from Lou & Grey, too!
  • Being lazy on the weekends. Forgetting about all the things I should be doing (even some wellness practices that often feel a bit overwhelming, to be honest), and just chilling.

Your joy might look different, but I urge you to create this list for yourself and live it out. Find what really lights you up inside or makes days truly GOOD.

And also, hit up the Lou & Grey store in Pasadena on Thursday, March 16th at 7pm for lots of feel-good vibes and some shopping!

**Thank you to Lou & Grey and Shopstyle for sponsoring this post!







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  1. On the same wavelength with you girl. I’ve been struggling with bad anxiety and sadness as of late, and even though some of that can’t be helped, I’ve been actively searching for the things that boost my mood and making sure to incorporate them into my life as much as I can. One thing for sure, this sunny, warm weather LA is having right now is making all of my dreams come true. I’m getting outside as much as I can!

    Anyway, I wrote a post about it here if you’d like to take a look:


  2. Beach walks are a great idea! We live so close to the beach but never seem to utilise it as much as we should. We’ll definitely have to start heading to the beach more often.

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