Healthy Cocktail Tips

Healthy cocktail tips
The idea of skipping yummy, refreshing drinks to maintain a certain body just doesn’t sit right over summertime. It’s the time to relax and enjoy yourself more than ever, and there’s definitely a way to mix nutrition with pleasure when it comes to what you’re sipping on. With the 4th of July just around the corner, here’s what I suggest adding to your drink to boost taste and health benefits. Cheers!

Fresh fruit
Anytime you can add fresh fruit to a cocktail, you’re adding flavor via a healthier sugar than something artificial like soda. Some popular options are lime, lemon (citrus is also detoxifying), blueberry or orange slices; and watermelon is amazing in a light beer. Plus, your drink can double as a snack!

Some of the best cocktails are filled with herbs—like the mojito. Mint is a great healthy addition to almost any cocktail, especially if it’s organic. Other tasty options include basil, rosemary and lavender—each bring their own set of flavors and benefits. Herbs offer protective polyphenols, which act as antioxidants and anti-inflammatories and are helpful for aging and overall health.

Green tea
Green tea can easily be slid into most white rum and vodka drinks without anyone knowing it’s there! Green tea has been proven to aid in weight loss (via digestion), increase brain function and even lower the risk of cancer, and you’ll get a tiny shot of caffeine.

Obvi! Just like fruit, there are plenty of vegetables you can slice up and add to your summertime nightcap. Water-based veggies work best, like sliced cucumbers or julienned carrots, and don’t forget to up the celery in your bloody maries.

Laced ice cubes
If you’re feeling unsure about how to incorporate any of the above options, ice cubes are the answer. All you need is your favorite fruit/veggies/herb/anything you want and add it to your choice of ice cube tray filled with water. This is genius, and how pretty? Viola, a healthy, refreshing cocktail!

If you want a couple recipes that I love, here they are: 1 and 2.


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  1. Herbs are also full of vitamins and micronutrients; I was looking up some of the herbs in my garden out of curiosity and was shocked at how one serving could have higher levels of vitamin C and calcium than the foods we usually think of as good sources! (But you’d have to eat about 2 cups of an herb loosely chopped.) Since then I’ve always thought of them as nature’s vitamin powder.

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