As a promotion for his new animated movie, Bee Movie, Jerry Seinfeld dressed in a fuzzy bumblebee suit and black tights to make his appearance at the Cannes Film Festival. Bee Movie is the latest DreamWorks Animation film to dramatize the secret life of a pesky insect and includes the voices of Seinfeld, Chris Rock, Renee Zellweger and Matthew Broderick with cameos from Oprah, Larry King, and more.
This morning on Today, Jerry Seinfeld was asked how the Cannes Film Festival was he replied: “It’s better than a convention at the Best Western.”
Seinfeld said the idea for “Bee Movie” popped randomly into his head one day as he was eating candy. The next day, he was invited to eat dinner with Steven Spielberg: “For a Jewish boy growing up on Long Island, to have dinner with Steven Spielberg is like being bar mitzvahed twice.”
That Seinfeld, he’s too much.