indigo nation

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I went to college in Columbus, Ohio
which isn’t exactly the fashion epicenter of the world but is the happiest place on earth, sorry Disneyland. I can’t even tell you how many odd looks I got for items like Uggs, Minnetonka’s, Hunter rain boots and dare I say…newsboy hats (ohh hushhh, it was 2001!).

I’ll never forget the first time I debuted skinny jeans. A boy in the library actually approached me speaking French because obviously if one is in skinny jeans they are European (which I am (Czech), but still). This all changed when a store called ‘Indigo Nation’ opened.

All of a sudden I wasn’t the only place to buy Seven For All Mankind (that’s right, I was the girl who slanged jeans out of my dorm room thanks to my boys fam who owned the denim co) and despite the effect on my business I was thrilled. Being from LA, I love a good old pair of jeans and was ecstatic to have a place to shop besides Nordstroms.

If I were there now, and the store was still open, my best friend and I definitely would take the drive down High Street to oooohh and ahhh over Moto skinnies and examine the slashed up 80’s wash for a our next diy.

Ohh college, I miss you.

Photos: stockholmstreetstyle

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  1. i don’t think i will ever get sick of skinnies… i still own a pair i’ve had since high school which i’m convinced have actually grown with me…

  2. One of my best friends and I met and bonded over a pair of Seven jeans (we were both in the same pair) while on the train in London. It was early 2002! Memories…

  3. haha great story…
    i went to italy for the first time like eleven years ago and i remember my friends and i giggling at all the italian boys wearing skinny skinny jeans..who knew, right?

  4. lol!Thats my girl always a fashion Diva and business woman!Thank God after you and C sold the most Girl Scout cookies out of the whole area you learned the best lesson in life!How to sell !!!!Love you your amazing style and touch of flair!xx

  5. Did you got to Ohio State? I’m alumni myself now living in LA. 😉 Love your post today. I reminisce about college life quite often. Although it looks much different than when I/we were there, LOL!

    Adore your blog!!!

  6. Did you go to Ohio State? I go to school in Boston but my family lives in Columbus and I’m here for the summer–was just on High Street!

  7. very cool that you went to ohio state; that’s right out here by me in indianapolis!
    i love how you were the “jean” dealer in collage, haha!
    skinny denim will always hold a special place in my heart. i continue to fall back onto to, time after time. just got a pair of gray moto skinnys from H&M for $30!!

  8. How awesome is it that instead of dealing drugs out of your dorm room you dealt jeans? Classic.

    In the meantime, as much as I love a skinny jean, I just can’t get behind the second look. I may have been young in the eighties, but I was alive, and that alone seems to prevent me from loving the super light rinse ripped jeans, seeing as how I wore them in elementary school.


  9. Oh my gosh, I’ve been reading this blog for so long and I never knew you were Czech. Seriously, that is SO cool – I’m Czech too! Can you speak the language? I can because I still live in Prague. Ahh it’s so weird to find out people are from the same country as me – such a small world!

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