(no subject) garage sale

I’m honored to be a part of the (No Subject) garage sale turned online art installation along with some of the most creative people in LA: Seven Shein, Jazzi McG, Alisa Gould Simon, 722Figueroa, Eddie Brakha, Melissa Coker, Topsy Design, Sam Moyer Furniture, Micha Design, Sall Bohan and +826 LA.

We each gave 3-5 items in which interior design guru, Sayre Ziskin, created an installation for both a live event and online sale via portalmrkt (which you may remember from the doppppeeee Vena Cava garage sale months back). The coolest thing about the online sale is that it’s text to buy. We’re in the future, guys! Cheeeccccck it out:


Thank you (No Subject) for including me and happy shopping!

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  1. I love those paintings on the last one. Especially the Penis because I had to look twice when I read it. Which reminds me I really need to find soe new art. Which I think I found a great place and I’m going to blog about it. 🙂

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