zara fall

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Chunky knits, long skirts, capes, pointy pumps, ankle booties. So down with this idear, Zara.

Please tell me – when it comes to fast fashion, and if you had to pick just one, would you say you’re more of an H&M, Zara or Forever girl?

Photos: Zara

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  1. I’m a zara girl! I buy lots of H&M because they have cheap basics, but Zara’s got that great sleek but bohemian look. I do feel like Zara is a bit hit-or-miss, but I need to make a trip to the Boston store soon to scoop up some sweaters!

  2. ohhh, i’m the only one, but forever for me. because they are the fastest (and cheapest) of the fast fashions. but we just moved to the city and so, having a zara close by for the first time, i might change loyalties this season. the quality difference between zara and forever is pretty obvious.

  3. The second, third and… okay all are what I want to wear all fall.

    It’s a close call between H&M and Zara. If we exclude H&M’s trend line though, Zara barely pulls ahead.

    Love Grace.

  4. Definitely a tough one, but I’d have to say F21 for cheap fixes such as party dresses and jewelry, H&M for basics with a twist, and Zara for runway knock-offs. As for customer service, Zara takes the cake for being the worst.

  5. oooo zara is amazing.. i love the last photo.

    unfortunatelyyyy i live in the only area of canada that does not have any of the three within the province or 5 gazillion mile radius. but I would be an H&M girl when i get to pick!

  6. How embarassing that my city has NONE of these retailers. I’ve never been to a Zara so I guess I’ll go with H&M, although this ad is sooooo good.

  7. This is tough, I love all three but some of the stuff at Zara is ill fitting on me : / I dont love H&M’s quality so the choice would have to be forever, so reasonable and so much selection!

    Thanks for the preview 🙂

  8. god this is perfection if there ever was such a thing.

    and i gotta support my employer on this one, h&m! lol. i’d choose them anyway though; i have a soft spot for the swedes 🙂

  9. Zara deffinetly. my wardbrobe is mostly of zara clothingg.
    when i went to new york i fell in love with Forever 21 and H&M always has some great quirky stuff but i find Zara clothes are very flattering and fit well while H&M are a bit picky with sizing as like a size 8 feels more like a size 6

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