book shelf styling inspiration

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I’m all for technology but I reallllly hope everyone continues buying books, records, DVD’s, etc. There’s nothing like scoping out people’s shelves for insight.

For more shelf styling inspiration check out this how-to-bookshelf-tutorial.

p.s. I read Tina Fey’s ‘Bossypants‘ Sunday. It’s funny. Definitely recommend for a 5+ hour flight. And on that note, what book should I dive into next?

Photos: Song of Style and various home post

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  1. Love this post ! The first room is beautiful and I love the third from the bottom with the little crowns on the books !


  2. my house is and will always be filled with books, despite my addiction to my kindle and other technological toys. One thing I’ve never understood though is putting the books sideways on the shelves… As for a good read, I highly recomnend A Fraction of the Whole. I’m in the middle of it right now and am loving it. Bossy Pants is next on my list!

  3. Have you read Just Kids by Patti Smith.

    A must read that is equal parts fascinating and beautifully written.

    I also recommend anything written by Micheal Ondaatje – the Canadian author who wrote the english patient. His books are wonderfully entralling reads.

  4. I have an old primary school bookshelf [don’t ask me about moving complications!] and it’s HUGE! I need some inspo like this post to ‘style it right’…..I also need to buy more books. My Enid Blyton collection hardly stacks up to the weightier fashion/literary tomes.

  5. I love bookshelves and collecting pictures of them for inspiration just in case I have an extra space to create my own library one day. Thanks for adding to the stash!

  6. I work for an amazing Santa Monica art and design Bookstore (Hennessey + Ingalls)We managed to survive the recession, which was difficult for a indie bookstore let alone and indie/ specialty bookstore! Books are so important and special. People seem to be slowly forgetting just how wonderful they actually are! This is such a great post! Visually inspirational and a friendly way of reminding people not to forget books.

  7. The only one I like is the 4th picture. It really creates a unique vibe. Everything else is a little too cluttered for my taste.

  8. Great post! Oh how I love books, I always have mine on display. I love checking out other peoples book shelves. It’s got be inspired now.



  9. Just discovered your blog, it’s fabulous! I would definitely recommend reading The Art of Racing in The Rain by Garth Stein. A favorite of mine.

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