my backyard birthday dinner

Geri Hirsch's 30th birthday

Geri Hirsch's Birthday Dinner Geri Hirsch's Birthday Party Geri Hirsch's Birthday Party
“Welcome to because im addicted – the life of a 20 something running wild in LA. Fashion, music, food, art and the like.”

This has been the tagline of my blog since 2005 and as you might imagine, I was starting to get a little nervous about the “20 something” part as I inched closer toward turning thirty.

As I geared up to kiss my twenties goodbye, I spent a lot of time reflecting on who I’ve become, where I’ve been and who I want to be. While pondering one chilly day back in March, tears began rolling down my cheeks as I realized that I was in a state I’d never been before: complete contentment.

I wasn’t thinking about the past with regret, the present with resentment or the future without anything but excitement. I was, for the first time in my life, who I wanted to be, exactly where I wanted to be and headed where I wanted to be going. This was quite literally the best feeling I’ve ever experienced.

Energized by this epiphany, I was inspired to embrace turning 30 and I wanted to welcome my next step with a real celebration – the first birthday party I’ve had since my teenage years.

I invited my closest family and friends, 30 to be exact, for a backyard dinner party that was just as much a thank you to them for supporting me over the years  as it was a celebration of me.

In effort to make the party feel whimsical but relaxed I set up one long table topped with white linens, mixed and matched vintage plates and glasses, puddles of candles and one long garland made of olive branches, white roses and white orchids. I strung lights overhead, printed little menus and didn’t have assigned seating.

Ready to host in a sleek A.P.C jumper, the night began. It started with a cocktail hour and was followed by a four course dinner designed and cooked by one of the best chefs/entertainers/women in all of Los Angeles: Annie Campbell.

The night was incredible, one of the most memorable of my life, and the icing on the cake was when my boyfriend offered a new blog tagline during his toast, “A thirty something sharing details of a life well lived.”

All of the photos after the jump…

Geri Hirsch's Birthday Party Geri Hirsch's Birthday Party Geri Hirsch's Birthday Party Geri Hirsch's Birthday Party Geri Hirsch's Birthday Party Geri Hirsch's Birthday Party Geri Hirsch's Birthday Party Geri Hirsch's Birthday Party Geri Hirsch's Birthday Party Geri Hirsch's Birthday Party Geri Hirsch's Birthday Party Geri Hirsch's Birthday Party Geri Hirsch's Birthday Party Geri Hirsch's Birthday Party Geri Hirsch's Birthday Party Geri Hirsch's Birthday Party Geri Hirsch's Birthday Party Geri Hirsch's Birthday Party Geri Hirsch's Birthday Party Geri Hirsch's Birthday Party Geri Hirsch's Birthday Party Geri Hirsch's Birthday Party Geri Hirsch's Birthday Party Geri Hirsch's Birthday Party Geri Hirsch's Birthday Party Geri Hirsch's Birthday Party Geri Hirsch's Birthday PartyGeri Hirsch's Birthday Party Geri Hirsch's Birthday Party

Photos: Geri Hirsch’s Backyard Birthday Dinner shot by Matt Waugh

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  1. Happy birthday dollface!!… You are entering your thirties with the attitude it deserves…

    ‘I wasn’t thinking about the past with regret, the present with resentment or the future without anything but excitement. I was, for the first time in my life, who I wanted to be, exactly where I wanted to be and headed where I wanted to be going. This was quite literally the best feeling I’ve ever experienced”…

    beautiful words… your growth is in there. Wishing you above all else, health and continual happiness. Love and Light, Qx

  2. This is was such an inspiring read. I am not at that place yet but I feel so much more motivated to get there! Thank you for your positivity in embracing your age and place in life. It’s soooo refreshing!! Favorite post ever. Xoxo

  3. First of all Happy Birthday! Second of all your birthday dinner looked amazing! It looked like you were surrounded by all your loved ones which is exactly what you need when you take #thenextstep! Happy Birthday again!

  4. You are so honest and real and I thank you for it. It’s a treat when you write more on your blog and share your life. Getting to know more about who you are makes me love this blog even more. Thank you for being my inspiration.

  5. I’ve been following your blog for years now for inspirations and this post is so far the most inspiring one. Happy Birthday!!
    I’m equally excited for what to come. All the best beautiful lady X

  6. Thank you for adding me to your blog!It made me so incredibly happy!I love you more than you will ever know and look forward for what is to come!You rock!xoxo Mom

  7. This post is so inspiring! And I feel like I’m coming across it at the perfect time. Like you felt at one time, I’m terribly unhappy with my day job and have aspirations to do something completely different (something I am actually passionate about). Changes are long overdue. Anyways, happy birthday & thanks for sharing a side that is a little more personal 🙂

    xo N

  8. Happy Birthday young one. I promise you, life gets better after 30. The wisdom and experiences that you acquire along the way makes the aging part that much more beautiful.

  9. Happy Birthday! What an absolutely gorgeous party. May I borrow some of your ideas for my backyard wedding next year?

  10. Happy birthday! What a beautiful dinner! I may have to replicate some of this for the Thanksgiving dinner I’m hosting.

  11. HBD & blessings to you!! Your approach to your birthday was FABulous!! Each of us should find joy & peace & look forward with excitement no matter what our age!!!

  12. This made me tear up!! I’ve been following your blog for some years and I always loved your tagline!! especially because I am now the 20 something running wild in LA, I wish you all the best in the future and I’m so happy I’ve witnessed your growth!!
    Cheers to dreams !!

    PS love your new tagline ! XO

  13. Happy belated birthday!! I celebrated my 30th a few months ago and I reflected the same exact way. The 20’s were full of laughs, tears and oh so many lessons to learn! I’m going to miss saying I’m a 20 something year old, but bring it 30’s 🙂

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