141 Wellness Tips

geri hirsch + stretch // 141 Wellness Tips
I’m really excited about this post! These 141 wellness tips are from my very own Instagram followers (which may just be YOU!).

Back in December I hosted a holiday giveaway with Moon Juice and in order to enter I asked everyone to leave a comment sharing their favorite wellness tip and these are them.

All of the responses were excellent. Water, sleep and exercise were common responses (which is a good reminder that the basics make a huge difference) but there were a handful of surprises, a great deal of self love (don’t miss #31 and #39), feel good foods/recipes and a handful of new ideas.

I hope you enjoy and possibly put to practice these life changing wellness tips. And a special thank you to everyone who participated in the giveaway, ultimately creating this post!

And if you didn’t enter the giveaway, please share your wellness tip in the comments. xx

In order that the comments were made and the commenters name:

1. #selflove – no better wellness tip! -violaxcasflowers

2. Get up and DO IT! You will thank yourself later? -lizziebobie

3. Balance. Taking the time to give equal energy to all aspects of your life. -tavia_

4. Everything in moderation -laurenatalio

5. Ho shou wu powder, lots of water, green superfoods, manuka honey bee venom face lotion by wedderspoon, meditation every day for atleast twenty minutes and vigorous exercise throughout the week, did I mention loving yourself, taking care of your body, and appreciating everything around you. That’s my wellness tip! -oxycompton

6. While you were thinking about doing it, you could be done. Set an alarm, get it in and enjoy your day!!! -shanntburke

7. Drink lots of water -alizajsokolow

8. Surround yourself with as much positivity as possible, and try not to let self doubt hold you back. -claireemiller76

9. Water, fresh air, sunshine and smiling ?and a little moon dust never hurt anyone! ?-kaitlingreene

10. 2nd would be a daily shot of @organifi green juice powder -brooklynmeets7

11. 30 minutes of exercise a day! No matter what it is. And water…lots and lots of water! ? -angoriani

12. Use Shea butter on your skin to keep them soft and smooth esp during winter -capturedfuture

13. Green juice every day! -julianahinch

14. Love and respect to everyone and around you as well as yourself! Eat gently, breathe thoughtfully. -thebethlee

15. I work in health and wellness and the best wellness tip I’ve ever heard is still from my mom! Don’t ever deprive your body of anything. If it wants something, give it that in moderation. Wellness is about working to be the best version of yourself and embracing yourself wholly for all you are ??????? -kiramackenzzie

16. Take various vitamins. You never know what small mineral can eliminate the bottleneck to everlasting health ??-alysehorn

17. Sex with my husband! -girlgiftgather

18. Ground yourself every day (find which method works best for you, whether it’s yoga or meditation or tai chi, etc.)…then imagine white light surrounding you and dissolving the energy cords and negative thoughts and chatter that clog your being so that you can glow and✨SHINE ON!✨-sam_sevenau

19. To wind down naturally I love making a superfood moon milk hot chocolate. 1 cup of homemade almond milk, 1 scoop of goodnight dust, 1 tbs of cacao, and 1 tsp of reishi. (Served warm with a pinch of stevia) -lostgirlwellness

20. Get plenty of sleep and stay hydrated throughout the day.-and_you_are_my_wild

21. Stress management in your surrounding is so important. Blaming others inwardly or outwardly only de-energizes us. Notice your thought patterns today. Are they of acceptance or judgement? Eliminating all that drama can help immensely. ?? -jenngimlet

22. Take care of yourself so you can be at your best for others. Always eat whole organic food and drink -jacquesayin

23. A nice at home spa with some masks and a cup of tea. -leniemmi

24. Drink tons of water, exercise daily.  -ainacakes

25. Start your morning off with 2 TBSP of coconut vinegar, a bit of coconut nectar, and 4-8oz of warm filtered water to help your stomach acidity. Then take a probiotic because it is best absorbed after vinegar. -barbiekamiel

26. H20!!!!! -adeolasayss

27. smile, play zumba fitness and you will feel better -ir_angelova

28. Know your breath ✨ Morning pranayama and remembering to breathe deeply throughout the day  tonya.papanikolov

29. Water, water, water!!! -krystametcalf

30. meditation – at least 10 minutes a day -ajdesario

31. Put yourself at the top of your todo list every single day and the rest will fall into place. #selfcare -emmacarolinelore

32. Morning lemon water with probiotic powder, tocos & pearl powder! -clairedille

33. find all the barriers within yourself that you have built against love and break them down! (Rumi) -mariechristodulaki

34. Favorite wellness tip: pair everything with healthy fat (grass-fed ghee, coconut oil, etc.) to help your body unlock/assimilate fat soluble vitamins. And to make it taste good, pleasure = wellness! -grassfedanarchist

35. Warm water with lemon or apple cider vinegar on a empty stomach + at least 5 mins of morning grateful-positive affirmations to help me inject purpose on every day, no matter how hard it might be or how many challenges I have in my life, being grateful even for the little things always helps me push through! ?❤️ -candy_nami

36. Drinking 32 oz water throughout the night. Wake up super fresh! ? -salmajahani

37. Kundalini yoga + Moon Juice -geetprakash

38. Water all day, err’dayyyyy! -justferriss

39. wellness tip – always seize the opportunity to make others feel good. It creates a glow from the inside out, that even the best creams or tonics can’t give you! -jenniferdanakroll

40. Fresh carrot juice daily! -lisaa.bee

41. 2oz of Aloe Vera gel in my water first thing in the AM -jtotheam

42. A good ol’ dip in the ocean every now and again- the sun and salt makes my hair and skin glow! ?✨ -katiecaaz

43. Green juice every morning, lemon water all day, Neti pot every night! -aubbri

44. A green juice a day keeps the doctor away ???-isela1978

45. Morning pages for clarity, green juice for glow and laughter for balance. -myhappyhabits

46. Adding adaptogens herbs ?-jenn_jetaime

47. Early rise, cold shower, followed by breath of fire, fists of anger and addiction meditation. NEXT, an extra warm cup of Brain Dust, Reishi, Cordyceps, Ho Shou Wu, Mucuna Pruriens, and coconut butter. This simple practice creates a solid foundation for my day. ❤️-sssuez

48. Skin oiling before a shower keeps me grounded and vitalized ? -landstudioeast

49. get good, restful sleep and be kind to yourself -ritumurthy

50. Eating fruit on an empty stomach, chaga tea anytime, & dry skin brushing for a healthy lymphatic system. Also smiling for no (& every) reason. -midnightmaradha

51. Listen to your body and live a life of balance (in spiritual, emotional, and physical aspects). And never underestimate the therapeutic power of giving to others in selfless love and being grateful for what you have 🙂 -inletterstoolargetosee

52. I always have 2-3 workout outfits in my car so I can workout whenever I have down time. -maryyysnow

53. Skin brushing, green juice in the mornings, food combining, using a tongue scraper first thing in the morning, and paying attention to my dosha have all done wonders for me ✨ -mynaturalkitchen

54. sleep, sleep, sleep! (and you know, the ol’ tried and trues: vegetables, water, movement, repeat.) -heatherzweig

55. 11 minutes of conscious breathing a day. ” if you do not breathe consciously for 11 minutes a day, you lose 40% of the vitality of life… But if you do breathe consciously for 11 minutes a day, you can do exactly what no miracle can do, because out life depends on the breathe of life.” – yogi bhajan Also, cold showers, in bed and sleeping before 10 so the organs may heal from 10-12, and cat cow to boost collagen production.-magickheart

56. Stay positive, keep smiling, and drink loads of juice ☼ -laura_le_

57. Tons of water ????-aureyneil

58. lemon water & sleep! -mauldwright

59. Warm lemon water first thing in the morning. -xtinahoskins

60. My favorite wellness tip is to break a sweat at least once a day- good for the body and the mind 🙂 -erika1379

61. Meditation, pranayama, sleep, and positive time with friends and family ??? -jawellbeing

62. If you are fortunate to have a child to share belly laughs I highly recommend it. Otherwise, surround yourself with those you can laugh with openly. I know this because there hasn’t been as much laughter in my life these past few years and I crave it, the way LA needs water! -veganmom07

63. Running and resting ???-zoe_sesame

64. Whole/raw foods, water and ?-rachelthatsit

65. Self massage and myofascial release! Love all the great tips this post has gotten -worldofredness

66. develop a daily a morning routine that consists of nourishing your mind, body, and spirit and stick to it! love & be grateful for all -gracilynnn

67. Lots of water from my Swell bottle and a good probiotic! -mollydgrimm

68. Every morning I drink lemon juice in hot water. It cleanses the system. It also keeps you energized throughout the day. -myloveforshopping

69. my wellness routine: lots of water, homemade tonics, natural face masks, and a good book!!!! combined, i am absolutely replenished!! – narcjacobs

70. Mantra and moon dust is morning bliss!♡ -shaman_star

71. self love is the greatest medicine. when we truly, deeply love ourselves, we will naturally understand how to care for ourselves, mentally, physically and emotionally. so I guess my wellness tip is to listen to your body & your gut brain! it knows wassup. -wholegraci

72. Sleep, water, meditation, and time with my loved ones! -livinora_rae

73. Meditation, yoga, and no processed meats!! -marycollier

74. My biggest wellness tip is to honor your body and LOVE LOVE LOVE IT – without that love, nothing else can stand a chance. With that love, everything will fall into place and make you your most radiant. -tiffanymarietate

75. Meditation and exercise every morning. Also giving thanks and sending healing energy to those in need. -wildvedicliving

76. keeping hydrated with water, my daily green juice, and meditation! -caroleeeenn

77. Starting the day off with hot water and lemon! ????-allisonlgray

78. A teaspoon of Bragg’s Apple cider vinegar, a splash of honey and lemon in hot water and charcoal tablets! -ninamunk

79. Morning meditation, hot water with lemon, turmeric, cayenne, honey and a hike with my pups up Mt. Sanitas ☀️-lindabanashek

80. Dandelion root! Best for acne, and great hangover prevention tool. My life + brain saver. -julietabtahi

81. Clean eating and dogs! -rwgillard

82. I love getting up first thing in the morning and doing a shot of apple cider vinegar and oil of oregano. It’s great for so many things and a wonderful way to jump start the day! -whyvonyvonne

83. Start my day off with gynostemma tea mixed with MCT oil & @moonjuiceshop brain dust! -carebearlove13

84. I make sure to do at least one good thing for myself everyday. Sometimes that’s just making sure I drink enough water, workout, go to bed early, and eat well. -bay2

85. During my work day, I make sure to take a 30 minute walk to clear my mind. -go_head_gurl

86. I love hot lemon water. It makes my insides feel clean and soothed after a busy day at work, a long day of travels, or when I simply need a pick-me-up. It is so alkalizing and if I am feeling extra run-down, I add dashes of cayenne pepper, turmeric, ginger and cinnamon for extra immune boosting power! -mindfulexplorer

87. Room temperature lemon water as soon as I’m out of bed. Throw in a couple of ‘superfoods- (maca, tocotrienols, spirulina, baobab) to smoothies. Add chia seeds to water to sip during flights, take a plant based organic supplement, drink alcohol sparingly… -pasq.w

88. Honoring my body – listening when it needs to rest/eat/sleep/move/relax/try harder/etc So simple but sometimes so challenging xo -misswhit13

89. If I can’t make it to the gym that day, I aim to get at least 10,000 steps! And no refined sugar in my home -sne_k

90. My favorite wellness tip is walking everywhere I can, taking the stairs, and drinking TONS of water every day! -singinsteph

91. Best wellness tip is waking up early makes for a better. Plus an apple a day keeps the doctor away. 🙂 -kimberlysaldana

92. It’s all about the tea blends. -g_lev_baumel

93. Sleep Smile Sex. Get plenty of all three -petuniagram

94. Water, lots of water -boilerleah

95. Epsom salt + baking soda in a hot bath with whatever essential oils I’m feeling that day ?✨-1111enterprises

96. Try hard to find balance and flexibility and when you can’t, just be kind to yourself ??-ldweitzman

97. Lemons and honey water ? every morning! -yogisophie7

98. Drink water everyday,meditation, move more sit less, herbal tea , drink something green each day haha, eat clean , and focus on yourself within so you can shine brighter ✨??-paradise_she_said

99. Seeing light in every situation: Not allowing negativity in + LOTS of lemon water. (And of course, ANYTHING @moonjuiceshop?). -lapoirebleue

100. A smoothie a day keeps the doctor away, and so does kombucha! ?


101. Stay hydrated, set phone reminders on your phone on how often to drink water.-saniel8162

102. Always make time for yourself and your own sanity, whether you’re shopping, taking a yoga class, or coloring your adult coloring book.-glowie1713

103. My wellness tip is to juice and blog like yours have helped me along with Leaf TV you tube recipes?-aloeverawaterorganic

104. eat an avocado a day -rusthawk1

105. I do a lot of things, but the most have helped me is drink enough water in the morning before breakfast, alternate warm water with lemon, turmeric and apple cider vinegar, add tea tree oil to my moisturizer and breath. Don’t forget to be grateful, kind and smile to people! I would love to try -zuleandre

106. Blue green algae!! -nicholestarnold

107. My favorite wellness tip is to keep a positive outlook in life regardless of your circumstances. Healthy food is essential, but few things can compensate for a negative attitude. Gratitude works wonders -fi_shan

108. My favorite wellness tips are to stay hydrated by drinking plenty of water, find a workout that you love and enjoy enough to stick with it, and if your destination is less than a mile away and the weather is reasonable, always walk! -j_mosh

109. Take the stairs whenever you can. -agratefulattitude

110. Strive for 90% good, 10% naughty. And laugh a lot. -tthelasurvivalguide

111. Acupuncture! -maricielago

112. Be present in the moment, mindfulness will keep you grounded and allow you to maintain perspective. Health from the inside out! -ashleymayle

113. Keep hydrated, essential oils and deep breaths! -shd4

114. non-negotiable electronic-free time in the morning upon waking for at least an hour, and the same before bed. -cheftinaleigh

115. Apple cider vinegar shot in the AM! -elizwalker_

116. ”Let Food be Thy Medicine and Medicine be Thy Food.” ~ Nourish yourself. Drink tea infusions of nourishing plant medicine such as nettles, oat straw and red raspberry leaf and you will begin to repair yourself from the inside out. ?-lotusflowerom

117. Hiking & hot ginger tea & snuggles with my pups! -2cream2sugar

118. Practice balance & don’t stress—health is a learning journey. #doyourbest -caramcshane

119. I’m a lover of all kinds of healthy food, nourishing my body with great stuff. But the best thing to get a better health is to really start loving yourself. Like REALLY love, flaws and all. If you love your true self, it will show in both your mental, emotional and physical health. No supplement in the world is so powerful as love is. I try to practice it wherever I am, taking short moments in front of the mirror or on the bus, telling to myself how I love myself and all that is to it – both body, mind and soul. ✨-siri_nilsson

120. Sleep! And warm lemon water every morning 🙂 -arose729

121. You are what you eat ??? so eat healthy to be healthy, it’s so easy! -ahyiohy

122. Favorite wellness tip is to eat real, locally-sourced food. ??? -marthareynoldswrites

123. Using coconut oil to nourish my hair, to smooth my skin and swallow it for being more healthy and energetic -billursomer

124. Turmeric helps prevent colds so it’s good to have in these colder months! I made a Moroccan chicken stew with the spice and it’s delicious in juices or nut mylks ❄️-sophietee

125. Love yourself unconditionally and always think about ways to make each part of your body strong and healthy. Little things for each part of the body throughout the day to always improve and make the best it can be. -lindalee1962

126. Eat as organically as i (we) can, and make sure I do lots of self-care. Being a mama is hard work, so staying healthy and feeling good is golden. ✨✨ -shoplovethreads

127. My wellness tip: notice your breathing, often. Breathing is the wellness HOW as we go about the WHAT of the day. That we practice a healthy lifestyle counts. Doing it with the calm focus that full breathing brings is the nest that holds all the wellness that lifestyle together. It’s a fun journey to experiment with the growing range of dusts, tonics and such available to us. But using, preparing and consuming it attentively they breath, well, ahhhh. -_kk_walsh

128. Tons of water. Always. And I use argan oil alllll over my body and it’s magical. -juliawilson_22

129. Choosing feel-good thoughts and actions to stay in alignment with what I want. ? -shelliekrueger

130. Getting enough sleep is crucial for me -elizabethjulia

131. BUBBLE BATHS! With all the good stuff. Sometimes it’s the only thing that makes me feel renewed inside and out. -kaylamariep

132. My favourite wellness tip is doing some stretches in the morning and just before going to sleep. They wake me up and also make me relax before sleeping!!! -lowegastroanddrinks

133. I love, love, love my everyday green smoothie. Every vegetable and/or fruit fits well in it!!! And I try to add some superfood too. -rosasorroche

134, A lifestyle of clean eating and exercise creates a strong and healthy body, mind & spirit -pnegoro

135. When I wake up, the first 5 minutes of my day, are spent focusing my thoughts on the things I am grateful for in this world. It really sets the tone for your day. Also even though I am chained to my desk most of the day I always take time to go outside, breathe & feel the sun on my face. Nature therapy ?-tiucolleend

136. I love to add fermented foods to my food throughout the day to help my gut flora, and I’m trying to cut out dairy and gluten as much as possible! Thank you! -dyanna_littke

137. Drinking juice and foods of the highest quality fuels your body with high vibrations that echo throughout your being, making you glow from the inside out ?? -misslustlocal

138. I think the best way to take care of your wellness is through acupuncture! 🙂 -andiperullo

139. My favorite beauty tip is to smile. It’s an immediate stress reducer and we all look better with a smile. I also use honey masks and keep my skin care in the fridge. Love, Lauren fom VA

p.s. This might be controversial but I also no longer wear bras and I get yearly thermography screenings. -lolo2_lauren

140. Water, sleep and yoga! -missaudmarie

141. I have a few things that I consider my go to for wellness!!! Apple cider vinegar and honey everyday!!!!!! Reshi mushrooms!!!!!! A good 7 day juice cleanse when the seasons change, my Pilates practice which helped bring me back to life and daily meditation!!!❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️???-andrealuvs2dance


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  1. Thank so much 🙂
    I like your list a lot, honney and lemon Water in the morning, must try 🙂
    Have a lovely weekend.
    Maria from Denmark.

  2. So many great tips! Those about conscious breath really caught my attention; I need to read about that. I also discovered a few new energizing drinks.

    As for me, I like to make sure that I make some time just for myself every morning before I leave home. It usually means drinking my morning cup of coffee and reading Twitter/blogs. I always find some great inspiration and it makes me less stressed during the day 🙂


  3. This is a beautiful post!!! Such a great tips, i`ve been watching you on snapchat and I love your energy and positive vibes… Is contagious haha!!! All the best xx

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