9 Things That Felt Good This Week

This article was written by contributor Chelsea Becker

I, like most of the people I know, have been struggling. Between Groundhog Days and trying to work while watching an 11-month-old, my emotions have been allllll over the place. I’ve had days where all I can focus on are the negatives and the overwhelming uncertainty. I’ve also had days where I felt motivated and positive. Sound familiar?

In an effort to have the positive outweigh the bad, I’ve been keeping track of things that felt good each day. This is a bit different than a usual gratitude practice in that it’s making me stop and think about how activities or certain things are making me feel. I’m sharing mine with you in the hopes that you can create your own list & maybe even share in the comments?

1. Supporting our local pizza shop with a curbside pickup. Not only did supporting a small business feel good, but so did taking a break from cooking & cleaning. We’ve committed to buying from a small eatery at least 1x a week during this time, even if we’re more limited on funds as well. Here are more ways to help yourself and others right now.

2. A charcoal detox face mask from one of my favorite small beauty businesses, Fleur & Bee. I had 20 minutes to myself for a mask, a podcast, and a bath. It was HEAVEN.

3. Cleaning my house. First world problem, but I’ve postponed my regular housecleaner, which for someone who can’t function without a clean area, has been challenging. I work hard to budget in my housecleaner a couple of times a month and not having that help has been admittedly frustrating. Putting work and other responsibilities aside one morning I was feeling especially anxious to deep clean gave me a tidy space and a sense of control I’ve been missing.

4. FaceTiming girlfriends. It was way past my bedtime but worth it for some connection and laughs. We each shared the best and worst part of quarantine so far and it was nice to connect over struggles and to talk through how we’re all handling things. We started the call with a dance session which was LOL and I loved it.

5. Working. I feel extremely grateful to have a job during this time when so many people are losing theirs. It’s not something I’m taking for granted and I’m happy to work each day.

6. Starting the new season of Ozark. Anyone else obsessed??

7. Rescheduling a trip. I was supposed to be on a trip to Cabo this week and instead of canceling it completely, the group of girls involved decided to postpone it to late summer pending everything is safe by then. It felt good to postpone rather than completely wipe it from our schedules. Something to look forward to!

8. Taking off my nail polish and going bare. I’ve also been air-drying my hair and I did a skin fast last week which was fun!

9. A Melissa Wood flow. Since my son is out of daycare, I’ve been waking up early to get in some sort of movement. So necessary right now!

What felt good to you today?

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1 comment

  1. don’t tell me what’s happening in Ozark! I’m starting this Friday and I CANT WAIT! I’m hearing it good and INTENSE! I enjoyed reading this post <3 felt uplifting to read about people's wins.

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