Wearing Haven Jumper,Gap Kids vest from Goodwill, Sam Edelman Zoe boots. And look, it’s Wendy Lam!

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Looky, looky, a new toy! Ladies and gents, I give you the Microsoft KIN!

Thanks to Jordana, I scooped up my KIN TWO last week at the NYC event in Soho then got to pass it around at the KIN sponsored NYLON party this week in LA. The phone is très sleek, user friendly (even after back to back meetings fresh off the red eye), has an 8.0 megapixel cam, HD video recording capabilities and is made for socially obsessed butterflies. With the new device Twitter, Facebook and blogging has never been easier. Literally, your friends and all the updates you subscribe to are your homepage! New levels friends, newwwwwwww levels.

Can you handle it? KIN will be exclusively available from Verizon Wireless in the U.S. beginning in May and from Vodafone this Autumn in Germany, Italy, Spain and the United Kingdom. To learn more about the phone, check out

Thank you again Jordana and KIN team. And Wendy for the pics. xo

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  1. 8.0 megapixels for a phone? AMAZING! Ugh, why just Verizon? I’m happy it has a QWERTY key pad though. I’m definitely a MAC user, but when it comes to phones, I can get down with this because I loathe touch screens.

  2. Love love love both your outfits !
    and that KIN.. UHH !! :):)
    i have a blackberry myself but im jealous 🙂


  3. You are SUCH a doll! I’m so glad I got to see you and Spencer is a sweet heart!

    I’ll definitely keep you posted on LA plans and other good stuff. 🙂

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