This post was written by BIA contributor Chelsea M. Becker
Anxiety is something that I’ve been dealing with for what seems like forever. And while it seems like a constant battle in my own head, it’s definitely something that I’ve been able to work on with a little self-awareness and mindfulness. One major realization has been the importance of preventing it—vs. dealing with it after the fact. Although I’m by no means anxiety-free (is anyone?), there are some habits I’ve adopted that have seriously helped.
Reduce caffeine
I know, I know, easier said than done. Personally, caffeine is such a double-edge sword for me. On one hand, I love how coffee helps wake me up in the morning, but on the other, I hate feeling so dependent on something. One thing I’ve never really considered in the past is the impact my caffeine addiction could be having on my anxiety. Turns out, excess caffeine intake can make anxiety much worse, so…tea anyone?
I’m a total believer that “runner’s high” is a real thing—and that you can get this high from any workout. I always have a more positive outlook on things after I’ve worked out, and it’s a trickle effect into other areas of my life (I feel more confident, I sleep better, I’m less stressed about not feeling in shape, etc.). Exercise is so killer because it releases powerful endorphins in your brain, which essentially act like your body’s built-in painkillers and mood-lifters. Yes plz! If running isn’t your thing (because it’s not mine), try yoga, boxing, or dance—three workouts known to boost moods and destress.
Get outside
If you’re feeling a panic attack come on, go for a walk. If you can catch some rays while you’re outside, even better. Sunlight has been shown to increase the body’s serotonin levels, which will lift your mood and increases energy levels. Being outside also reduces levels of cortisol, a stress hormone, which is directly related to anxiety, so it’s a win-win. If you’re stuck inside, sit by a window. Simply looking at nature through a window can help your anxiety tremendously, which is kind of amazing!
Prioritize sleep
While exercising or trying to avoid triggers to your anxiety can help, sleep can have a bigger impact. Not getting enough sleep affects your body’s ability to regulate hormones—including cortisol, that stress and anxiety-provoking hormone—causing your anxious feelings to increase. I’ve definitely noticed that I experience more even-keeled emotions when I’m getting the proper amount of sleep, so it’s a #1 priority in my life. And if you struggle with sleep (#ditto), read this.
Focus on the now
It’s human nature to caught up in worrying about the past and future, which is a lot of what anxiety is. But there are some things you just aren’t going to be able to control in life, and unfortunately there’s not much that worrying is going to do to change that. Instead of focusing on what just happened a few minutes ago, what you could have done differently, or even what you can do in the future, try to be more mindful and focus on the now. What can you do in this very moment, however big or small, to make an impact in your life? Often times for me, that’s a nap, deep breathing, or even a snack outside.
Do you have any tips for preventing anxiety?
I always really like your tips! I gotta step it up on exercising… because… I basically don’t exercise at all. Haha, lazy lazy!
Charmaine Ng | Architecture & Lifestyle Blog
These are some great tips! I definitely need to incorporate more exercise. I feel like these all definitely lessen anxiety a ton. Thanks for sharing!
Meditation and a gratitude list has helped me the most over the years.Excercise getting enough rest is essential for me as well.I do what I can to get out of my head but sometimes I have to ask myself is it a rational thought or something irrational that is causing it,When it is coming on I do a breathing excercise breath in for 4 hold for 7 and breathe out for 8.I like some kind of routine I get up go outside and hike then I meditate and set in my mind that what can I do today to allow me to have the best day what ever it is that I have to do attitude plays a big part.Also I try to avoid HALT getting to hungry ,angry ,lonely or tired.
Amazing blog!
Great tips!
I am seeing someone to help with my anxiety. I wish I could wake up one day and it was gone. Ugh. Love this post, thank you!
I don’t watch the news and take it one day at a time
Awesome artcle!
Fantastic yet simple advice that we can all benefit from. Thanks for bring mental health to the forefront.
Also a wise Dr told me 2 very important things1.Handle the things I can control and 2 I could make comedies instead of horror stories.
Really love all these tips! I agree with all of them and I try so hard each day to work on them so that I can reduce my anxiety. I will say, coffee is the hardest one by far!
Food and water are so important to help me prevent anxiety. I often find after a good protein rich meal I’m much more able to deal with my anxieties than on an empty stomach!
Great post thanks for sharing babe!
I’m definitely exercising more now!
Great post! Ditching caffeine is so hard for me but worth it.
Great tips! Thanks!
I definitely need to incorporate working out and yoga into my weekly routine! Other things that help me are writing and reading.
Great tips! Very helpful I agree exercise does help a lot