To supercharge my mind and body, I start just about every morning with a nutrient packed and delicious smoothie. I’m absolutely addicted! I started sharing smoothie recipes on SnapChat (@GeriHirsch) which has led to loads of smoothie questions . To help answer some of those questions I put together my […]
Top 10 Healthy Foods To Always Keep In Your Kitchen
This is a guest post from Sam Negrin | creator and EIC of and editorial manager of LEAFtv Do you ever get home after a long day and quickly prepare an unhealthy meal because you’re #hangry and can’t even? This is a really common circumstance. It takes an incredible […]
Your July Guide To Seasonal Fruits & Veggies
There’s nothing better than biting into a juicy piece of fruit in the height of it’s season. July is one of my favorite months just for that reason. With an abundance of stone fruit, creamy avocados, lusciously sweet figs, perfectly ripe cherries and an endless supply of berries, the fruit […]
7 Beginner Yoga Poses That Increase Flexibility
This is a guest post from Sam Negrin | creator and EIC of and editorial manager of LEAFtv The practice of yoga has so many incredible healing benefits to both our mind and body. The word Yoga in Sanskrit actually means, to yoke or bind, to unite [mind, body […]
11 Superfoods To Add To Smoothies
Superfoods are an excellent, quick and easy way to fill your body with nutrients. What exactly is a superfood? Simply put, superfoods are foods rich in phytochemicals which fight disease, strengthen the immune system and contribute to an overall healthier well-being. So, how can you get more of these superfoods? […]
5 Ways To Prevent Over Eating When You’re Bored
This is a guest post from Sam Negrin | creator and EIC of Mindless eating is one of, if not the, biggest causes of weight gain. Mindless eating is defined as: 1) eating when you’re not hungry, 2) chewing but not actually enjoying or tasting the food, and 3) […]