Charcoal has been a maaajor wellness trend for a while now and I actually can’t believe I haven’t talked more about it. But here it is, in this week’s LIVE WELL! It seems like it started as a soap and then overnight there was charcoal everything (literally, there’s even charcoal […]
Why It’s Important to Eat The Rainbow
When most people think of vegetables, the color green usually comes to mind, but obviously there are way more than just that. Which begs the question—what does the color actually mean? And should you be eating more or less of a certain hue? Here’s what I know: What the colors […]
Tips on Cleaning Your Tech
I’m all about trying to keep my diet clean, my house clean—you get it, but something that I realized had gotten away from me lately is my phone (and other tech). When you think about it, it’s crazy how many surfaces our phones, tablets, remotes, etc. all touch and then […]
The 3 Exercises I’ve Picked Up Since Giving Birth
I feel like talking about my postpartum body deserves an entire post (mamas, I have so much respect for you), because the struggle is real. From your body changing to what it does to you mentally, it’s an adjustment to say the least. I tried to be kind and patient […]
LIVE WELL: Cold Plunge
Have you guys heard of cold plunges? I was a little unfamiliar with the topic, but after digging in a bit and trying it, I’m hooked. So what is it exactly? Basically, it’s a tub or small pool filled with water—usually between 50 and 55 degrees Fahrenheit. Ideally, you’d jump […]
The Benefits of Tongue Scraping
OK, so tongue scraping doesn’t have a great ring to it, but it’s actually kind of amazing – promise. It’s a popular topic in the wellness world and is an ancient Ayurvedic practice (similar to this water bottle), which I’m always down for learning more about. Not to mention it’s […]