Paleo Breakfast Sandwich Recipe

Paleo Breakfast Sandwich Recipe

For this week’s installment of nourishing recipes from my wonderful postpartum doula, we’re making a Paleo Breakfast sandwich. MMM! Written with love from my doula, Stephanie Matthias, herself: This dish is a breakfast favorite with my clients. It’s delicious and hearty enough to fuel you for the rest of your […]

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Is Intermittent Fasting a Good Idea?

Intermittent fasting is a concept that’s actually been around for quite some time, but has gotten heavy attention as of late. And although the word “fasting” might make you think of skipping meals and a growling stomach, intermittent fasting isn’t about withholding food until you pass out. It’s more like […]

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Vacation Whites

Who else is feeling like they want to live in white this spring/summer? It just feels like a French Riviera vacation, am I right?! Here are some of the white looks I’m coveting (but not buying yet because of the shopping freeze!):

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