Biggest Wellness Trends of 2018

the daily hit by cap beauty

Last year on this site, the 2017 wellness trends predictions included: collagen, reiki, clean beauty, sobriety, self love, lucid dreaming and legal drugs. How’d we do?! And what’s in store for 2018? Here are my predictions: Breathwork Meditation was big and buzzy in 2017. Apps launched, studios opened and workplaces […]

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My 2018 GOALS

Ahhhh 2018! 365 new pages to write, what will yours say? While the future is always unpredictable, I’m a firm believer that you can manifest your life. “What you think, you become” is one of my favorite quotes, and to help guide those manifestations one of the exercises I’m vigilant […]

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How to Plan a Self-Love NYE Night

There’s one relationship in all of our lives that often gets neglected more than others – our relationship with ourselves. Many of us are so busy juggling everyday responsibilities that we don’t really take time to focus on ourselves. If you don’t already have plans for NYE night, it’s a […]

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