It’s important to start your morning in the best way possible for both your body and mind – drinking warm water with lemon has so many benefits, there’s no reason NOT to try it. I’ve been drinking hot water and lemon everyday for the last five years and I absolutely […]
De-bloat, Brighten Your Complexion and Boost Your Immunity With These 5 Tips
In the context of diet and health, it’s smart to be wary of terms like “miracle” and “instant”—because 99.9% of the time, these claims really are too good to be true. “It’s a little tough to get foods to work on a physical level immediately, because they start on a […]
10 Flat Belly-Friendly Foods
With my wedding right around the corner, I’ve been on beast mode by eating well and working out. Minus last week in which I had a case of that awful flu. I’ve always considered myself someone who eats healthy but through this bridezilla process I’ve learned that it’s not just […]
7 Foods For Better Skin
As the saying goes, you are what you eat. There are millions of products out there to help fight blemishes, wrinkles, dry skin and more, but beauty definitely starts from the inside. It’s important to understand what you’re putting in your body. I sought out 7 of the best foods […]
Miranda Kerr’s 15 Minute Workout
Finding time and/or a place to workout can be a challenge. Especially during the holidays (I’m feeling pretty gross after a workout-less Thanksgiving break). I came across this 15-minute workout routine that Miranda Kerr came up with which targets all areas (arms, abs, legs and butt and core), needs no […]
7 Celeb Workout Outfits
I’ve been under a tremendous amount of stress and one of the things I do when the stress feels suffocating is hit the gym. Hard! I’ve worked out six days a week for the last month – yoga, spinning, pilates, barre, hiking – you name it, I’ve done it. Because […]