Wellness Gift Guide

Gift-giving season is officially here, you guys! If you’re one of those people who has their shopping done by Black Friday, I praise you (p.s. how?!), but if you’re still knocking people off your gift list, I’ve got you covered. I’m all about giving people things that will better their […]

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Holiday Dressing

   It’s the most wonderful time of the year! And the time when we can dress extra special all month long! As I mentioned yesterday in my goals for the month, I spent a little time putting together holiday outfits in advance to avoid stressing the day/night of. I grabbed […]

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My December Goals

December is undoubtedly one of my favorite months of the year. The holiday season brings so much warmth, joy and love. It’s a time to give, share, and connect in ways we don’t quite do the other eleven months of the year. As we close in on the last 31 […]

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Why Is Everyone Drinking Golden Milk A.K.A Turmeric Lattes (+ a recipe)?

Move over non-yellow-colored lattes! Turmeric lattes, also known as golden milk, are holding court and for good reason. Like what, you ask? The benefits: powerful anti-inflammatory, potent antioxidant, boosts immunity and brain power, aids in muscle pain relief, helps with digestion, reduces cholesterol, lowers risk of diabetes, helps fight infection, […]

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