Without your health you’ve got nothing which is why it’s imperative that we take good care of ourselves. Like my husbands grandma always says, “If you don’t take care of your body, where else are you going to live?” Having just gone through a heart trauma, I’ve been adamant about […]
My Morning Wellness Routine
One of the best life changes I made was waking up earlier so that I can wake up slow. I started this habit after I graduated from college and having the time to take a walk, lay around while reading the news, mediate, take a long shower and/or make a good breakfast […]
How To Make Turmeric Shots
There are so many incredible health benefits to turmeric which has made turmeric shots all the rage at juice bars. The herbaceous plant of the ginger family serves as an anti-inflmmatory, is anti-aging, a powerful antioxidant, immunity booster, can lower your risk or heart disease and cancer, reduces cholesterol, helps with arthritis […]
7 Ways To De-Stress After Work
A full day at work can be extremely taxing on your mind and body – no matter if you’re on your feet or sitting at a desk. These 7 tips can help you ‘productively’ unwind, re-energizing your mind to become inspired to save some time for yourself. After all, that’s what […]
How To Eat A Clean Diet
I’ve been snapping a lot about eating “CLEAN” and have been getting loads of questions about it so let’s discuss it further here, shall we? Here’s the deal on what I refer to as “CLEAN.” It’s based on the ‘Clean Program‘ which is a 21 day cleanse and ultimately a lifestyle. […]
The Benefits Of Dry Skin Brushing & How To Start
If the cool temperatures are affecting your skin, this ancient wellness method of dry skin brushing is a great technique to try. There are a myriad of benefits from relieving stress to reducing the appearance of cellulite. Plus, it only costs $15 for the brush and takes 20 minutes from your day. […]