Self Love New Years Resolution Ideas

Resolutions get a mixed review, but personally, anything that feels fresh and motivating is something I like getting behind. I find that setting some major goals along with smaller ones (that make me a better person and make life feel better) is a good mix – and you know a lot of them have to include wellness. So, whether you’re looking to boost the self-love or for ideas on how to take better care of yourself, I hope the list below inspires you to do whatever you’re craving!

Here are some self love new years resolution ideas:

Own the power of saying no so that you have more time to yourself.

Find positive mantras that speak to you and repeat them throughout your day. Some that I love: Focus on the good, make yourself proud, I accept myself in this moment, get it girl!

Rid yourself of toxic relationships. More on that here and here.

Meditate. Taking time to settle your body and mind is a quick, easy self-care break. Here are 3 different meditation styles to consider.

Nurture friendships you have; good friends don’t come along every day.

Be kind to yourself with your own thoughts.

Take the time to pamper yourself with things like long baths, body massages, facial massages, face masks, stretching, foam rolling, etc., and do it guilt free.

Commit to and prioritize getting better sleep. Good sleep can do wonders for your life.

Schedule workouts on your calendar so that you don’t skip them. Endorphins are the best medicine!

Spend more time working outside.

Take healthy breaks from social media. Perhaps a tech sabbath every Sunday is in order?

Get involved in your community and give back.

Eliminate toxins in your life that may be weighing you down. Ideas here and here.

Keep a Gratitude journal and add to it as often as you see fit.

​Set your intentions.​

Discover the power of​ superfoods that will ultimately make you feel better. Some ideas: probiotics, apple cider vinegar, collagen, bee pollen​.​

​Nourish your body. I find that when I’m feeling blah, eating a healthy, filling meal makes me feel good about myself, plus it adds energy.

In effort to not slip on nourishing your body, commit to having healthy food on hand so you aren’t in a bind when it comes to food choices (I love using InstaCart to help me with this and have a reoccurring order that I place every Sunday).

When you think a negative thought, try to see the positive side in the situation. More on how to do this here.

Add greenery to your home.

Commit to one day a week when you don’t complain about anything.

Embrace challenges and turn them into opportunities to grow.

Take a personal day every now and then.

Clean up! Clean your house, your desk, your car, etc. You’ll feel better once your environment and self are all shiny.

​Focus on your strengths​.


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  1. I absolutely loved this post! Truly good friends are hard to find sometimes, so I like the idea of nurturing my friendships in 2018. Committing to a whole week of not complaining sounds insanely difficult because we complain a lot more than we realize, but it would definitely cultivate a more positive attitude. I have started to add more greenery to my home…I just really suck at caring for them, haha! But a little greenery is definitely a mood booster.

    Mia |

  2. I love this. Learning to say no is something that I really need to work on this year. I already started before the holiday but I want to be able to say no without all the anxiety that currently comes with it for me.

  3. This list is a perfect manifesto for 2018 and beyond! Your recent theme of reminding us to slow down and care for ourselves is good way to wind down the year. Looking forward to more great content and the changing dynamic of your blog as your family grows in 2018. Cheers and all the best to you!

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